Cara + Matt | Quirky San Francisco Session

Cara and Matt were crazy enough to hire me for my first solo wedding my sophomore year of college. It was a blast, I barely knew how to use my camera but shot what I saw and was pretty happy with the images. 

4 years later, I'm shooting Cara and Matt's photos in California on a work trip as a full-time photographer, using my art degree and meeting the coolest people. so amazed. 

If you had asked me on my drive up to their wedding in the fall of 2014, I would have truly never guessed that this is where life would take me.

 as we plant our feet in the unknown of the present, memory, filled with all the grief, joy and hope of life, anchors us in truth of what's been and what's to come. Photography embodies this memory, holds it all and offers beauty and hope as a reason for moving forward. 

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